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"Everyone needs a fantasy." 

                                             - Andy Warhol


I live by these words that were spoken by one of my all time art heroes. My reasoning for adoring Warhol, however, stems from something other than the art. It stems from the fact that he and I have a very similar outlook on life; an outlook that is visually apparent in so many of my captures. I believe that anyone who claims to not have a fantasy (whether that be a daydream, a wish, a perfect future, etc.) is either out of touch with their own brain, or lying.

I am in love with the idea of capturing and mainting youthful optimism and innocence, as well as romanticizing daily habits, views, or people.

The world can be dark. But channeling our lost youth and romantic point of view (especially through photography) can be a revitalizing experience for all.

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